3 definitions by Lloosseerrss

A charmer. He is hilarious and makes a great friend and yet can be a pain in the ass. He has a crush on all the girls and all the girl chase after him. He only has eyes for one. He's very competitive and a sore loser. He's the best at everything but puts forth no effort.
Hey Glenn!
by Lloosseerrss November 14, 2021
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Usually extremely short. Thinks very highly of himself and yet has poor grades. He's bossy and has commitment issues. He's got a beer belly and dad bod. He acts gay around his closest friend's and even though he's short he goes for the tall girls. He will most likely end up in jail for stupid shit.
Oh it's kaleo
by Lloosseerrss November 14, 2021
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He's outgoing... Sometimes in a bad way. He works extremely hard (for his ballet career). He gets all the girl. He's a bit cocky. He's always the life of the party and has tons of great friends.
Tim! You're here!
by Lloosseerrss November 14, 2021
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