48 definitions by LinkxPeach

What big brothers, little girls, and parents are.
Timothy: My big brother Mike a bitch. He’s always saying cruel shit to people, and only cares about his finances.
by LinkxPeach April 25, 2024
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A White male that used their White cocks to molest, sexually abuse, and rape people. Also, sleep with someone’s Mom, girlfriend, or wife.
Kevin: I’m going to rape that boy.
Tommy: You got a wigger cock, you know that White boy?
by LinkxPeach June 19, 2022
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A White male that commits a sexual crime to a Black person’s ancestor to raise rape in that Black man’s descendants like the White coward he is. Then, when a Black male descendant rapes a female. He gets punished by a White coward in the past.
That White boy rapes my ancestor, and now I’m being punished for what he did that turns me into a rapist.
by LinkxPeach January 11, 2022
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A group of White people tricking someone into staying at a Non-White person’s home, or country for a while so that White people that usually dwells in areas White people lived at know about your business, and how you live your life just so that other White people you know, and don’t know steal from you, lie to you, kill you, and destroy you by talking. This is done by White people trying to scam you, or a Non-White person is around White people.
White legion: Let’s go be around that Non-White person to see how do they live their lives. So, that we can act like White Devils towards them.
Non-White person: Why is those White people staying with me?
by LinkxPeach January 13, 2022
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A guy that puts his whole penis inside a girl’s vagina to deeply vaginally fuck her.
Harry was vaginally fucking Rachael with his whole penis inside her, and they had deep vaginal sex.
by LinkxPeach March 18, 2023
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Someone who acts like a pussy, and a bitch.
Mark: Kevin a pussy ass bitch! He go get his friends to rob me, and act like he had a gun.
by LinkxPeach December 20, 2022
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A person who is both a pussy, and a bitch.
Michael: Jamal, your a pussy ass bitch. You wanna talk shit, act like a bitch, and a coward.
by LinkxPeach March 31, 2022
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