5 definitions by Linguistually_yours

A condition that occurs following the consumption of alcohol that causes the person to vocalize or share something that one would never share had they not consumed copious amount of intoxicant.
Tanya was raging vocaholic at the bar last nigh. She was telling us everything about her lady problems. {drunk} {wasted} {Stoned}
by Linguistually_yours June 7, 2015
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A 10 O’clock is a phrase used to let people
Know that you need to have a bowel
Movement. The reason is because you’re so regimented with your bowel routine that you feel the urge to deficate each day at 10:00 AM.
Nick left the meeting and whispered to me that he was going to take a 10 O’Clock. He thought he was being sly, but everyone who heard knew he was about to take a crap.
by Linguistually_yours January 19, 2021
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When a person marries the child of a business owner only to “get into” the business that the parent owns. A great way to land a good job without a lot of effort or work.
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI):
“If I marry that woman, her dad owns a big business! Nothing makes a woman more attractive than daddy’s big bank-roll. I need to hit that to guarantee I never have to work hard in my life!”

Ron Johnson is a product of a business-in-law marriage.
by Linguistually_yours October 14, 2022
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To pull A Jessica, one walks in just as all
Of the work is finishing up. Often when someone pulls off a Jessica, they start the task and then find a reason, albeit weak, and leave the task to others to continue. Just about the time the task is complete, the perpetrator will walk in and offer to help.
Nick and Al were working hard on the project that the boss assigned. Nick left the room to go poop. Al finished the task just as Nick was returning to the office. He walked in and was finally ready to work. He looked at Al and said, “I think just pulled a Jessica.”
by Linguistually_yours January 19, 2021
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The process of one-upping another or interrupting a conversation in which you are not involved to insert your experience to direct attention to oneself and look foolish.
Tom broke his leg the other day.

Kristine:” I was struck in the femur by a running dog and fractured my femur. The chiropractor confirmed it.”

Thank you for Kristineing me!
by Linguistually_yours July 2, 2019
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