2 definitions by Linear_BlueDust

The Writer of The Anita Blake Novels and Merry Gentry Novels. She has a great erotic imagination and her books are very well written and have very good story lines.
"The Laughing Corpes"
"Guilty pleasures"
"Circus of the damned"
and more
by Linear_BlueDust April 21, 2005
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Mean Tempered, sexy, and down to earth vampire slayer from the anita Blake Vampire hunter novels by L.k. Hamilton.
" They where treating me like i was a very dangerous person. At five-three I am not imposing. Raise the dead, kill a few vampires, and people start considering you one of the monsters..."- Anita Blake, 'The laughing Corpse." Book three of the Anita Blake vampire books.
by Linear_BlueDust April 20, 2005
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