1 definition by Lillian Gracewell

Capricorns are probably the most mysterious of all the signs. They can send mixed messages and come across like they don't care, when they are actually really sensitive and sentimental. A Capricorn is always very optimistic and they are always looking forward into the future. It is fairly difficult to get a Capricorn to open up to you because they don't like to share their feelings, they prefer to hide themselves away. However, once they have opened up to you and you've gained their trust, they can be the most amazing person in the world. Deep down, a Capricorn is nothing like what they come across as. They're sensitive, soft and sweet. In friendship, a Capricorn is always there to help. For a friend, they would do anything. They give amazing advice and somehow, they always know how to cheer someone up. In relationships,at the start, they can be very stubborn and they can refuse to let you in. But once you have gained their love and trust, they will shower you with love and make you feel special.

A Capricorn's goal in life is to be successful. They hate the thought of being a failure. Whatever they do in life, they want to achieve as much as they possibly can and they very rarely give up on things that they want to succeed in. They always aim for the very best and if they don't achieve the very best, they feel a lot of disappointment. The best 3 words to describe a Capricorn are ambitious, driven and grounded.
"I'm a Capricorn"
"Ahhh, that's my favourite horoscope sign"
by Lillian Gracewell November 23, 2015
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