51 definitions by Lig Na Baste

Message Board filled with a brutal cross-section of the most obnoxious fankids for the video game series Final Fantasy.

Basically, one gigantic circle jerk of arrogance, elitism and anti-social trolling and terrible, biased moderation staff. The usual clique run nerd-board atmosphere dominated by one or two titanic douchebag trolls that the mods refuse to ban, surrounded by his/her sycophantic and considerably less witty/intelligent post riding followers.

Subjects include and are limited to (all threads include the usual trolling and/or petty garbage associated with anti-social nerds drunk on anonymity):
1. Which game in the series was best/worse.
2. Which member should be banned.
3. How awesome the local asshole/hero is.
4. Obligatory/masturbatory, random, unfunny neckbeards showing off thread.
5. Some variation/combination of the above.

To join, members must possess a majority of these virtues:
1. Arrogance
2. Grammar Nazism (note: "roffle, lawls, and other such mind numbing chat speak are considered acceptable, if written by the more popular losers)
3. Pack mentality/Cliquish-Minded (tri-monthly smirf services to the high post counters are mandatory)
4. The complete inability to communicate with anyone on an adult level, in any situation other than an oppressive clique-driven moderator supported group.
English scientists have proved conclusively that prolonged viewing and participation of Final Fantasy Shrine can actively reduce one's ability to produce coherent thought by .5% each minute of exposure and is so malicious that Darfur has considered it for a homepage.
I found Final Fantasy Shrine accidentally, after perusing the nonsense filled bullshit, I had a hard time standing up. I couldn't do math for about a week.
by Lig Na Baste December 28, 2007
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The principle guiding force behind 70-104% of all Internet communities or message boards.

Occupies the top point of the Internet Pentagram of Virtual Idiocy along side:
I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to come in to work today, I just got back from seeing Aliens Vs. Predator while playing the latest Final Fantasy game on my PSP after watching the Superbowl with my Dolfies dressed like Link from Legend of Zelda, and I should be going on and on about it with stupid people who can't spell.........circle jerk
by Lig Na Baste January 7, 2008
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A group of people who fansub anime.

Known for two things:

1. Loving Naruto (which is the new Dragonball Z for idiots who love shitty action shows).

2. Being gigantic, unfunny pricks.

You think that powerfully built He-men who devote huge time to telling Americans what cartoon characters are saying, would have the social graces of a Victorian era countess and the speed and grace of a winged jungle cat but, it turns out these guys are a healthy mix of scrawny pigeon chested dweebs and, Crisco coated lumps of fat and beard.

They also like to "troll" by wasting everyone's' time with gag subs and limp wristed, obvious fake news. Apparently when you translate crappy cartoons from your mother's basement, it affords you a bit of free time to display your lack of any real humor.

They are also ballsy enough to write YHBT at the bottom, so as to identify their laddish crap before you even fall for it.

They enjoy posting the constantly -banned for sake of enjoyment- I.P.s on their website because that makes them edgy and hardcore. They're also hoping people who made them cry will be "teh haxxored".

Even though the hacking skills of the 13-17 year old narutard fanbase they've managed to sop up are all 150lvl Blackhats, with +5 to all hacking skill checks and saving throws,

The results have been disappointing to say the least.
Dattebayo! is Japanese for "Vagina Get No!"
by Lig Na Baste July 21, 2009
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A chat room for racist, homophobic shit licking chicken-shits, pussies and morons.

With some videos attached.

A great source of footage of just about everything you can imagine. Comment system is buggy at best. Copyright rules seem to be the only rules truly enforced. Reporting feature is a joke that can result in an email stating that your claim won't even be read because you MAY have clicked 'send' more than once. Finding out how to report a person is nigh impossible as well. You tube doesn't give a shit.

The place where terrorists can post videos of executions, a moron can tell <insert sub culture/race> that they should all die...
BUT, a video featuring a baby dancing to a Prince song gets pulled. It's all about the $$$ at youtube.

Youtube's policies are enforced strictly on what can make them the most money. Trolls and terrorists get the most hits, so Youtube's staff ignores them.
Example Youtube Video (a Mother cradling her newborn just after birth)

Idiot1: I'd fuk that bich!11!
Idiot2: You ugly cunt u babby is ugly to u bich cunt fag!
Idiot3: Bet that pussy is nice n bloody fap fap fap
Idiot4: I LMAO
Idiot5: cancer cancer penis fag nigger jew furfag emo penis penis faggity aids fag fag nigger fuck!!!


Idiot1: 14
Idiot2: 15
Idiot3: 17
Idiot4: 13
Idiot5: 27
by Lig Na Baste May 17, 2009
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The state of using a simple modification to a word or, a word of similar pronunciation in an attempt to be funny, random and unique.
Due to the anonymity of it's users and mentality of such, the bar is set staggeringly low.
The sad thing is, people actually think this shit is cool.
Five year old come up with better shit than this.
Another internet community's sad attempt at being unique.
4Chan Clever examples:
Moar -More
Sauce -Source
Copy pasta -Copy paste

Brilliant word play!
by Lig Na Baste April 19, 2008
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A failed attempt at a Wikipedia parody that is actually a cover for a non-stop bitching and whining fest, in which it's users insult things for simply being popular to give off the illusion of being iconoclastic or edgy.

For every entry that may actually be funny, there are at least five that are simply a twenty year old loser coming up with sentences to fit the word faggotry into while "sticking it" to some sub-culture of people no one in their right minds gives two shits about.

Tips for the budding ED writer:

Believe that the word "lulz" is some magical incantation that successfully shields you from potential scrutiny. Apparently when you do everything that your site condemns, you are no longer a neckbeard basement dweller, obsessed loser if you write for ED and use "I did it for teh lulz" as an opening disclaimer.

Each entry should read like the World's Angriest Mad Lib. Take X (the subject that will garner the most "look at me, I need attention because no one loves me" points) then start with a stupid origin ripped from the previous 500 entries. Swear a lot. Link to no less than 400 other entries, 200 of which should be their lame inside jokes/memes that are somehow less retarded than everyone else's. Annie may! Betty Sue! 100 years ago! *wipes tear* Pure comedy gold.

Basically just copy and past a previous entry, take out the subject key words, add a few "faggotry's" and cock/gay/nigger/Jew/Nazi/rape jokes to it and call it a day. That way, you can rest assured knowing you pissed off some random people for no real reason.

When people get upset, pretend that no one is supposed to take it seriously (at least, not more seriously than you do) and that you know what parody or satire looks like. Also stand by the false assumption that you are funny and that anyone who simply finds the complete reliance on the same five stale jokes lame doesn't have a sense of humor. Also "funny" means biting everyone else's writing style to fit in.

You can be offensive and funny. Comedians do it all the time. However, there is a reason most of the ED writers are on ED. They just aren't funny.
Encyclopedia Dramatica is a nerd-run hate site disguised as a satirical Wikipedia but anyone with a half a brain can see through that paper thin pretense.
by Lig Na Baste May 31, 2008
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World Of Warcraft Community Manager (Moderator)

Blizzard CM's are already a barely functioning, feckless component of the poorly run and managed, official WoW message boards. If you could single out any one that makes the miserable corporate chaff look sparkling by comparison, it would be Bornakk.

Most are already, biased, unprofessional, snarky, fanboi nerds with mod privileges but, still manage to accidentally stumble back-asswards into doing their jobs once of twice a year.

Not Bornakk. Bor has decided to reduce his existence to that of a forum troll who can ban.

Abusing his questionably given power by becoming a bully, an unfunny douchebag and all around unhelpful, annoyance. He is a blemish, that stands out on Blizzard's already blemish-ridden face.
He is also notoriously arrogant, stupid and dense. Repeatedly missing the point of any message leveled at him, almost to the point of seemingly concerted effort and, refusing to accept even the slightest criticism.

He's like a self centered teenager who has been given authority.

Famous for spamming the CM feedback email in place of facing an argument.

Easily done in by simple logic, Bornakk ignores all but one or two posts in a sea of counterpoints, to reply with nothing more than sarcasm, flamebait or, a reply so dense and irrelevant that the original point may have actually earned frequent flyer miles.
Blizzard CM's are a waste of space.

Bornakk is a waste of a CM position.
by Lig Na Baste May 1, 2009
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