51 definitions by Lig Na Baste

Idiotic crap.
Brain dead, vapid, mass produced, mass marketed, corporate-cool, follower minded, pretentious, unfunny, lame, douchenozzle-tool crap.
MTV is to music TV, as Fox News is to humanity.
by Lig Na Baste May 16, 2008
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Video game elitists are impotent, socially retarded fucksticks who honestly believe, with sincerity, that being able to push buttons and make simulated shit happen with any skill, is impressive to anyone over the age of eight and with an I.Q. higher than "drug testing chimp...'s post-flung shit".

In general, elitists of any kind, just standing around, are pathetic. It really should be legal, that if you saw an elitist, out assholing around town (or whatever they do) you could just wallop the bastard out of them for a good free minute, before being arrested and hauled off to court, where, you would receive a slap on the wrist. And by "slap on the wrist", I mean dinner for two at your choice of local, mid-range sit-down eateries.

In fact, the judge should award you a handful of Mrs. Fields cookies and hardy thank you for a job well done.
"You're doing God's work, Elitist basher!!!"

A -video game- elitist is so shitty, that they should, pretty much, be beaten all day long.
They should roll out of bed...directly into someone's fist and, the beating should last from that moment, to about the time they're knocked unconscious at night (after a long, hard day of "owning nubs", "pwning scrubs" and defecating into an official, limited edition, Unreal Tournament 3 Leet Helper "shitting bucket".
Video Game Elitist example that I was too tired, stupid and/or apathetic to write.
by Lig Na Baste March 1, 2009
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Cherokee for "a loud sound without any effect"
Thunder is sayckeone, in that, it may be loud but ultimately produces no damage or lasting effect. Like the barking of a large dog. An empty fear.
by Lig Na Baste March 4, 2008
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Plural: Cherubim

One of the choirs of angels, in Judeo-Christian lore.

Often confused and mislabeled as baby angels.

The Cherub is NOT a baby angel. Baby angels are called Putto.

The Hebrew depiction took the form of winged bulls, or sphinx-like creatures with the body of a bull, the head of a man, and feathered wings.

Christianity depicted them as beings with four heads. That of a man, lion, ox, and eagle. It also had four wings.

The most famous example of a depiction of cherubim is the "Mercy Seat", which is either the lid, or ceremonial object that rested on top of, the Ark of the Covenant.
Cupid is NOT a cherub.
by Lig Na Baste August 20, 2012
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Microsoft named the Vista project "longhorn" after Bill Gates -during one of his usual weekly brain trust board meetings with the Forces of Evil- proclaimed:

*pounds fist on table accidentally sending Rupert Murdock down a shoot filled with flame and snakes*

"I want something akin to having a longhorn bull shove it's horn far up their (consumers) ass!!!"

They then had a good chuckle before feasting on the innards of new borne babes.
by Lig Na Baste June 19, 2008
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A website/message board dedicated to cheating and griefingin World of Warcraft.
Generally populated by the bottom of the MMO's community of kids and middle aged shitlicks that act like kids.

Using idiotic game slang is pretty much required, as is the ability to find it necessary to cheat at one the easiest MMO's around, just because you can and you're bored.

Members must be "funny". (The usual snarky, caustic, gamer-nerd "funny". Not actually funny-funny)
The name MMOWNED, should be enough of a red flag for anyone with an I.Q. over the age of 13.

I learned how to piss people off with mage portals! Wheee! Now I can be hated on my server for reasons other than my personality!
by Lig Na Baste March 12, 2009
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World of Warcraft guild.
A raiding guild on the Cho'Gall server.

A group of self-loathing, elitist, misogynist asshats.

Are infamous for a distinct and utterly pathetic "no girls" policy.
Believe women (or "girls" to them) are icky and, produce drama to such a degree that barring them from their premiere boys club guild will stymie the drama that pockmarks 99.9% of all guilds, in all games everywhere.

As anyone can predict by such a policy, members are cowardly, arrogant, dimwitted and very angry. Responses on the boards are usually unguilded alts screaming one or two lines of trolling drivel.

The sad thing is, such a policy is a blindingly obvious sign, that members are lonely, easily excited, virginal nerds who are so pathetically weak of will and inexperienced with women, that they can't even keep their shit straight when in the same Ventrillo server as a female player, who would never fuck them anyway.

Any problems with drama can be solved by recruiting adults.

But the whole Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Army of Azeroth mentality works too I guess.

WoW players are already stigmatized as losers. These clowns are keeping that misconception alive.
Vagina crits Vanquish of Cho'Gall for 10 damage (99999 overkill)
by Lig Na Baste May 7, 2009
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