1 definition by Lifeofinconsistency

A term coined by Ronald "Dinamitedylan" Donald in late March/early April of 2011, "loar" is a word used to call out someone who is believed to be lying or deceiving. It quickly became very well-known and popular, to the point where many people use "loar" outside of the internet. Much to Dinamitedylan's disgust, in mid-May of 2011, YouTube user "Steelrobot" attempted to take credit for the origin of "loar", and, to this day, still argues that he came up with it. Thankfully, only a handful of people actually believe Steelrobot, and everyone else frequently calls him out for being the plagiarist that he is. As of now, "loar" continues to increase in popularity, and will most likely only become bigger as time goes on.
"Hey, I can solve a Rubiks cube in less than ten seconds"

by Lifeofinconsistency October 18, 2011
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