1 definition by Life_peer

The pants one wears over one's regular pants when one sits on bus seats that another people have previously sat on.

British English uses the term "bus trousers".
Example A:
- "All right, I suppose I'll go put on my bus pants."
- "What the heck are bus pants?"
- "They are pants one wears over one's regular pants when one sits on bus seats that another people have previously sat on."

-- The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 12 (6 January 2011).

Example B:
- "Hey, I am not able to drive you to work today."
- "Don't worry, I'll just put on my bus pants and use a bus."

Example C:
In a bus, referring to a man with two pants on.
- "Look at that man. What is he wearing?"
- "Bus pants, obviously."
by Life_peer January 9, 2011
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