2 definitions by LickMeUnderMyFoot

A team full of sexy boys touching themselves daily, they are straight up GAYmers. destroying everyone else in: Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox
guy in team acid: Wassup boy
random guy on street: hello...
guy in team acid: are you gay?
random guy on street: No
guy in team acid: you are a homophobe
by LickMeUnderMyFoot August 17, 2019
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A gay group full of sexy boys who like touching themself, they are real deal with big shlongs they like to use as swords, the team is alo GAYmers who plays: GAYcraft GAYnite and StraightIsn'tOk. They will win all the upcoming swordfights, and a bounus is their PH Account with 1+mil followers, don't mess whit theese boys or they will tie you up and do things to you if you are a boy.
Team acid member going down the street: sup

random guy on street: im getting the fuck outa here
by LickMeUnderMyFoot August 17, 2019
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