2 definitions by LibrarianInBlack

The act of marking one's significant other on Twitter through cute, flirty mentions and replies, so as to make evident to others that there is a relationship in existence. Akin to a dog peeing on a tree, this is a person glittering another.

A riff on the "glitter" technique some women use to physically mark men with glitter (wear glittery cosmetics, hug/kiss, it rubs off on him, and if he shows up to another woman--she knows there's another woman already in his life).
Lynn Twitter Glittered Edward last night with her seven @ replies. They're totally dating.
by LibrarianInBlack February 6, 2012
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The act of marking one's significant other on Facebook through cute, flirty comments and a plethora of likes, so as to make evident to others that there is a relationship in existence. Akin to a dog peeing on a tree, this is a person fairy dusting another.

Synonymous with Twitter Glitter, the same technique but used on Twitter.

A riff on the "glitter" technique some women use to physically mark men with glitter (wear glittery cosmetics, hug/kiss, it rubs off on him, and if he shows up to another woman--she knows there's another woman already in his life).
Jim has really Facebook Fairy Dusted Kelly in the last few weeks by commenting on and liking every single post she's made.
by LibrarianInBlack February 6, 2012
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