3 definitions by LiberalKaren

The stereotypical name associated with rude, obnoxious and insufferable middle aged white liberal women.

Liberal Karen is Karen 2.0... much meaner, nastier, and more entitled. She doesn't want to see your manager any longer.. she wants to cancel you and get you fired.

Liberal Karen's spend most of their time being offended and relentlessly voicing it on Twitter and Facebook.Liberal Karen loves to look down on people who don't share her opinions and will be quick to call you a racist, bigot, sexist but is likely the biggest bigot you will ever come across. Liberal Karen's believe they are morally superior and will try to destroy anyone who challenges them.

Liberal Karen actually came up up with the word "Karen" to offend Karens but will be super offended if you ever call her a Liberal Karen.

Synonym - Victimhood Chic, Canceling Karen

A group of Liberal Karen's is referred to as a "Cancel Cult"
Liberal Karen just tweeted "All Drumpf Supporters are racist bigots" again.
by LiberalKaren July 17, 2020
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A form of Far Left, Authoritarian Ultraracism characterized by Liberal power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society created by White Liberals to control minorities while oppressing Conservatives by labeling them racist only by party affiliation.

Synonyms - Bigotry
Liberal Karen uses rascism to call all anyone who disagrees with her a fascist or a racist.
by LiberalKaren March 1, 2021
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Someone who presents as concerned about an issue (antisemitism, free speech, death threats, political violence, lack of scientific rigor in some study, etc.) but only speaks up when political opponents commit the transgression, while guilty allies are ignored or defended.

Synonym - Hypocrite
Karen was outraged when Kavanaugh was accused but turned into a One-Eyed Watchdog when Biden and Cuomo were accused.
by LiberalKaren March 1, 2021
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