14 definitions by LexAveNYC

Deuterostomes (taxonomic term: Deuterostomia; from the Greek: "second mouth") are a superphylum of animals. They are a subtaxon of the Bilateria branch of the subregnum Eumetazoa, and are opposed to the protostomes. Deuterostomes are distinguished by their embryonic development; in deuterostomes, the first opening (the blastopore) becomes the anus, while in protostomes it becomes the mouth.

There are four living phyla of deuterostomes:

Phylum Chordata (vertebrates and their kin)
Phylum Echinodermata (starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc.)
Phylum Hemichordata (acorn worms and possibly graptolites)
Phylum Xenoturbellida (2 species of worm-like animals)
"That asshat! He is an undeveloped deuterostome!
by LexAveNYC November 25, 2007
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Mission statement: Our efforts involve developing unquestionable management leadership with wholistic solutions and opportunities from the top down.
by LexAveNYC July 30, 2008
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A floor wax. Outlasts every other leading floor wax, 2 to 1. It's durable, and it's scuff-resistant.
Wife: New Shimmer is a floor wax!
by LexAveNYC November 18, 2007
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a dessert topping. it's delicious! Perks up anything from an ice cream sundae to a pumpkin pie!
Husband: No, new Shimmer is a dessert topping!
by LexAveNYC November 18, 2007
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Queen Victoria had crotchless bloomers with "VR" embroidered, which stands for "Victoria Regina".
by LexAveNYC August 5, 2008
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McConnell: U mislead ne investors?
Blankfein: Nope.
Mc: k
by LexAveNYC April 25, 2010
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approximately so. roughly speaking. thereabouts.
Woody Allen: The only thing unusual is that she's Mia's daughter. But she's an adopted daughter and a grown woman. I could have met her at a party or something.
by LexAveNYC May 3, 2009
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