1 definition by Leslie/Lazlo

Noun - Restaurant, Since 1981 Tripps has built its reputation on unwavering principles and a commitment to absolute guest satisfaction. With a Kitchen that is 95% from scratch and only serves 100% Certified Angus Beef, you can enjoy an exquisite meal while your server caters to you and your entire table with confidence and poise. When you leave Tripps, you leave with a new understanding of what quality service truly is.

Has been known to cause other restaurants to close down because they just can't compare.
Guy: Why was Lone-star's food so mediocre, the waitress oblivious, and the manager, well he just came off like an amateur.

Girl: It's because you've been to Tripps on Midlothian, and once you've had the best, you can't go back to the rest.
by Leslie/Lazlo March 1, 2011
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