2 definitions by Lesath

The Canadian version of ikr. Stands for "I know, eh?"
Buddy: "this new maple syrup is GREAT!"
Joe: "ike"

Don: "the leafs rock"
Guy: "dude the leafs ttly suck you hoser"
Bob: "ike"
by Lesath October 9, 2009
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The "morning star" is a title given to Satan in his role as Lucifer. The term was derived from a Biblical passage which identifies a Babylonian god named for that star as having fallen from the throne of heaven for his arrogance. This story was conflated with the story of the fall of Satan and 1/3 of the angels, especially because most pagan gods are considered aspects of Satan in Christianity.

The "morning star" is also a nickname for the planet Venus, which was called Lucifer in Roman astronomy. Its low position in the sky (due to its proximity to the sun) likely gave rise to the myth of it having fallen from heaven. In ancient times, the planet was considered to be the god of the dawn who opened the gates of heaven for the sun to pass through.
The morning star is bright today.

Lucifer was once the bright morning star, but fell from the favour of God.
by Lesath February 16, 2008
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