4 definitions by Lego Bricks make houses awsome

A Mary is a very Interesting and very independent white girl, who likes to sing with the birds and long walks on nude beaches, she is often refereed to being a granny basher or The queen of hearts, Besides the crazy and obscene things these Marys may do she will always win your heart even if it kills u.
The Mary from last night was wild! running across nude beaches !
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A typical wanabe white girl word often used to say the word 'no'
Girl 1: Hey Mary wana go get some peanut butter?

Girl 2: Nada Nada lemonada im busy
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The act of giving a shizzle on a nizzle this will often take place in the back of starbucks
Girl 1: Sup jack, you should fo shizzle my nizzle
Guy 1: Ill be down fo shizzlin ya nizzlin
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A word often used by marys across the world that is often used when trying to describe somthing
Girl 1; Mary that Jack guy is like....so hot !
Girl 2; OMG i know !
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