2 definitions by LegendaryPhoenix

A silly person who thinks that it's stupid to believe in an "invisible sky man" but at the same time gripes about how he or she has a problem with sky daddy's character. Like cmon, if you really dont believe in god, stop worrying about him.
Mrs smith: *rants about how god is evil*

Bella: I thought mrs smith was an atheist?

Darren: Nah, she's more than that. She's a silly anti-theist who makes God out to be her personal boogeyman, despite the fact that she herself said that he's not real.
by LegendaryPhoenix January 26, 2023
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A jerk who always calls others gay
Walao eh Silas can stop calling ppl gay or not ?
by LegendaryPhoenix August 20, 2020
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