1 definition by Legend_Killerz

When someone either finds an obvious joke offensive or takes it dead serious, they are said to have had a "sense of humour" failure.

However, it cannot be applied to those who never had a sense of humour to start with.

This condition is more common amongst the grumpy, tired and irrationally angry sects of society, with the most common manifestation being women on their period or guys whose girlfriend is on their period.
That easyJet lady had a sense of humour failure when you asked if your "little" 16 year-old son counted for the priority boarding.

I don't think so. I think she had no sense of humour to start with.

Yeah, or it is that time of the month for her. That could explain her sense of humour failure.
by Legend_Killerz January 23, 2011
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