6 definitions by Legatus 1T-TA1

1) The worse way to say "happy new year" in all slangdom.

2) A way to say happy new year which suggests that one has a sex problem.

3) A way to suggest that you are smart because you thought of saying "happy nude year" instead and one that hints, in unexpected ways, that you are a porn addict with a serious interpersonal dilemna.
I said "happy nude year" and people stopped and wondered exactly what I was trying to say.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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1) A way of thinking. A most meaningfull axiom. A terrible- to-behold source of epiphany that makes everyone who hears, or sees, or otherwise perceives it think that they have not fully understood their social, physical and > environments.

2) The best way of saying "Happy New Year" to someone who a friend or dating service has recommended to you, but you, a person who has no usefull social skills, can not develop an organized conversation or teach them anything or impression yourself in any other way. Use it.

3) A way to write "happy new year" spread across the public domain by total idiots who do not realize the importance of never mentioning intoxication and other alcohol references to recovering problem drinkers.
I wrote once on a group mail (I do not think that it was on New Years Eve) 'Happy *Nupe* Year!'.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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A possible acronym for "run, machine-gun player, kill", or a deletrious butt shot achieved while shooting online that is kind of funny.
I had a pig character skin and he had one hit point left. I attacked in a way that made it look like I was biting him in the but and he died. It was a really funny rumpk.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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Christian Reconstructionist circles, but hearable elsewhere:

Three criterias:
1: That which has the potential to relieve downheartedness/ wild fatigue. 2: That which can assume a "sparkling" state, at which point it becomes an addictive, nonmedicinary drug!
3 (most commonly): That which impares similar to alcohol.

The list can include: barbituates, cocaine, morphine, TXC (marijuana), and "salt tranqs.", as some Recons call them (most behavioral meds).

Alcohol Equivalent can also refer to how much you have had, relative to a one-ordinary beer average. Mostly, a way that you can measure when to hault the drinking.

"Almost all unlicensed drug and alcohol dealers produce and sell sparkly alcohol and alcohol equivalents to boost sales by starting addicts."
by Legatus 1T-TA1 November 11, 2007
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The best way to indicate 'corn' on a web server if you are trying to be cool and want everyone to think that you are a master of written inuendo when you are actually not.
I eet cohrn and beens evry dae.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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Theoretically, a difficult excretion of some variety that is timeconsuming and solid. If you can stand to be called a retard because you said it, it is kind of funny and not too dirty.
I am taking a turboturd; just a minute.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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