5 definitions by Lefkofunk

To awkwardly scrunch one's arms, contort one's hands, screw up and scrunch one's face, cross one's eyes, or straighten one's fingers, in a way that is synonymous to the awkwardness and the "I've just been poisoned"ness of the mutated rats in that Quizno's commercial.
That kid was totally quizzing out in front of everybody. He quizzes out all the time! Embarrassing.
by Lefkofunk January 25, 2006
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To awkwardly scrunch one's arms, contort one's hands, screw up and scrunch one's face, cross one's eyes, or straighten one's fingers, in a way that is synonymous to the awkwardness and the "I've just been poisoned"ness of the mutated rats in that Quizno's commercial.
That kid was totally quizzing out in front of everybody. He quizzes out all the time! Embarrassing.
by Lefkofunk January 24, 2006
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A verb denoting the act of beginning to precum.
Man, she totally left me with blue balls.
But did you preek?

Boy, this honey was so fine, I was preeking the second she walked her fine ass through that door.
by Lefkofunk May 12, 2006
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(noun) A fact or piece of knowledge that, when told to a listener, is devastating to the listener's argument or world view.
"Dude, I dropped a truth bomb on my priest at confession yesterday. I slipped him The DaVinci Code, which disproves his whole religion!"

Tupac dropped truth bombs on the American people, letting them know what it's like to live in the 'hood.
by Lefkofunk April 25, 2008
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(noun) A fact or piece of knowledge that, when told to a listener, is devastating to the listener's argument or world view.
"Dude, I dropped a truth bomb on my priest at confession yesterday. I slipped him The DaVinci Code, which disproves his whole religion!"

Tupac dropped truth bombs on the American people, letting them know what it's like to live in the 'hood.
by Lefkofunk April 25, 2008
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