3 definitions by Lee112233

Complete twat who leads around other chavs like a bunch of organized twats.Usually in a bright tracksuit with a baseball cap perched on his head at an angle.
"That chav-elite is such a twat,dave"
by Lee112233 September 30, 2006
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One of the most overated games ever.A game which requires little skill and is usually palyed by people who are pretty much rubbish.
1. Halo is so overated dave
2. This guy obly plays halo because he sucks at everything else
by Lee112233 November 11, 2006
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Terminal illness or affliction were you limbs just seem to drop off.
1."Oh Dave your arm fell off,you must lepracy"
2."You have no limbs,they must have all fallen off becuase off lepracy"
by Lee112233 September 22, 2006
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