1 definition by Lee.

A band that is often misrepresented as

A. An Emo band
B. Shitty losers.

In truth, My Chemical Romance is an alternative band from the Belleville/Kearny area of New Jersey. They are inspired by bands such as Iron Maiden Anthrax Bouncing Souls and their first cd was produced by Thursday frontman Geoff Rickly. Although My Chemical Romance (often abbreviated as MCR)is becoming mainstream and being attacked by lame teenies who only like MCR because they think Gerard or Frank are hot, they still perservere and have performed with Punk forefathers Green Day, Alkaline Trio, Reggie and the Full Effect, Avenged Sevenfold, and The Used. Many people consider their fans "Emo fags." In truth, Gerard described their music as "Death Rock." This doesn't necesarilly mean he's a goth. People should stop slinging labels and take the time to listen to their music before they judge.
My Chemical Romance is a great band that doesn't fit in a particular genre.
by Lee. August 23, 2005
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