1 definition by Le Fedora XD

Cringe comedy is a specific genre of comedy, where the intent is to make you uncomfortable rather than make you laugh.
Example of a cringe worthy individual: A fedora-wearing misanthrope who also happens to enjoy My Little Pony and always complains about being "forever alone". Sometimes, he carries fake swords and attaches fake furry tails to his pants and walks around in public pretending he is not human. He spends his days browsing 9Gag and talks about memes on his facebook page. He says "lol" out-loud. He is unemployed and lives in his mother's basement. He prides himself in his sense of humor, where his favorite "joke" involves screaming "D'OH!" in a Homer Simpson voice. He often incorporates the french word "Le" prior to nouns in order to make them funnier. For example, I went to le shopping mall and bought myself le fedora. He uses this word because he doesn't know how to be funny so he resorts to stale Reddit jokes.

The Cringe Channel (www.cringechannel.com) is a comedy site full of examples which perfectly exemplify this type of person
by Le Fedora XD June 3, 2013
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