17 definitions by Lazar Blade

A video watching app/website that has a variety of content to watch, such as anime, animation, gaming, comedy, fantasy, technology etc... Content from Crunchyroll, Cartoon Hangover, Hidive, Mondo, and Rooster Teeth.
Guy 1: Hey, Wanna watch VRV?
Guy 2: Sure! Let's watch some Anime!
Guy 1: Well I was thinking of watching some gaming, But sure!
by Lazar Blade March 21, 2021
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By now you've already typed lkjhgfdsaqwertyuiopzxcvbnm, and you saw a definition of it, and thought "OK THEN I WILL GO FROM RIGHT TO LEFT IN THE MIDDLE ROW OF THE KEYBOARD THEN TOP, AND I WILL GO LEFT TO RIGHT IN THE BOTTOM ROW. IM FINALLY GONNA WIN HAHAHAHAHA!" but you thought wrong. By the way, Go do your work. You have 20 missing assignments.
Guy 1: "lkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqzxcvbnm"
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: It means something, But you'll never figure it out! Hahahaha!
by Lazar Blade March 21, 2021
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A guy on youtube who does cool videos about criminals
guy 1: hey, have you heard of JCS - Criminal Psychology?
guy 2: yeah, my favorite video is "What pretending to be crazy looks like"
by Lazar Blade September 19, 2021
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