3 definitions by Larry The Traitor

Zep Cheese is the best food in the Multiverse! You go to the Supermarket and get it for free. If you eat it, you ate a pair of underpants. And then you can get away with being politically incorrect and offending SJWs. Zep Cheese isn't real!
Papa: I wanna eat Zep Cheese so bad!
Cheeky: Me too! I wanna always be Politically Correct no matter what!

Larry: Sorry. It doesn't exist!
by Larry The Traitor June 2, 2019
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A goat that acts extremely suspicious because it follows people and isn't seen doing any tasks. It could either be the impostor, or it could be innocent... just really, REALLY suspicious.
Ryuko: What's that goat doing over there standing next to the garbage?

Mario: Ryuko, the goat isn't taking out the trash! It's acting pretty sus, so I'd say that this is a Sus Goat!

Ryuko: ...are you that obsessed with Among Us?
by Larry The Traitor April 18, 2021
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A toad goat who wants Abeer banned.
Abeer hates Banabeer

Banabeer is a Despacito
by Larry The Traitor September 22, 2018
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