11 definitions by Large cranium neanderthal

the large cranium way of saying big brain
Fred: my IQ is 69 I'm a big brain
Bob: my IQ is 420 I'm a large cranium
by Large cranium neanderthal March 18, 2020
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New console from Microsoft coming on November 10 2020. Microsoft is trying its hardest to recover from the shit Xbox 1 and is about to crap on the ps5. It is going to take a shit on top of the ps5 because all the ps5 has are exclusives.
Person 1 i got a ps5
person 2 how many chromosomes do you have
person 1 more than you hehe

person 2 this is why the xbox series x is going to shit on the ps5
by Large cranium neanderthal September 21, 2020
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idk it came out like 15 years ago
Person 1: I have an xbox 360
Person 2: The xbox 360 came out like 15 years ago nerd
by Large cranium neanderthal September 21, 2020
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