2 definitions by Lamelogic

Someone or something that is an utter failure in life; and/or incapable of successfully accomplishing the most basic of tasks: Frequently used during drinking games to describe ones opponents suckatude
" You retarded disgustagon, you can't even flip a frickin cup right!"

"You nasty disgustagon, don't puke in the sink!"

"You dated that disgustagon, how low are your standards?"
by Lamelogic July 13, 2009
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Noun: (1)a military vehicle(LAV) used for the express purpose of nasturbation typically found in deployed settings to boost the morale of male soldiers, never cleaned...think about it....possesses distinct functified smell
" Pollie Bear is the quickest person in the Spank Tank."

"Fernie never goes to the Spank Tank he only uses his wack shack, he's high class."

"The Spank Tank is for public use, but a wack shack is for private enjoyment."
by Lamelogic July 13, 2009
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