2 definitions by Ladyliterature

Feme” refers to the female. “Nazi” refers to the followers of Hitler who carried out and completed orders of genocide. Femenazi’s are misogynistic men who wish for a genocide of female equality.
Bryan is drunk at a party. He tells this girl, Sarah, “shut up, bitch no one cares about your whore opinion. Jake pushes Bryan saying “cool off you fucking Femenazi.” Sarah agrees men who talk like that are FemeNazis
by Ladyliterature May 15, 2020
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Femi’ obviously refers to the female. ‘Nazi’ obviously refers to soldieres who carried out mass gonocide. A feminazi is a misogynistic, bakerwards thinking, male. A feminazi wishes for a genocide of female equality.
Jarred tells Bethany to try not to ruin the family dinner by ‘talking to much like’ a ‘stupid bitch.’ Jarred’s mother scolds him for talking ‘like some sort of awful Feminazi’.
by Ladyliterature May 20, 2020
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