1 definition by LadyGagaIsTheUtterShitFuck

A Cultshwhore is someone who whores culture. They treat all levels of art from the x factor final to Hamlet, pineapple dance studios to Emmanuel Kant as equal in importance and want it all pumped into their brains.

A good Cultshwhore will make use of youtube loops, 24/7 news and goldfish attention span levels of channel-flipping.
"I was halfway through Milton's Paradise Lost but got sidetracked by Lady Gaga's new video, but then I chucked that in for Tchaikovsky but only got a couple of minutes in because of a Su-bo interview in Heat... etc..."
"You are such a Cultshwhore"
by LadyGagaIsTheUtterShitFuck March 14, 2010
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