2 definitions by LSD-SDL

Before rolling a joint you take the bottom corner of a paper and twist it, then open it up like a boat to stash the goods inside. Usually used when at a party because it makes it easier to roll standing up and it stops your shit from falling out.
Person one: "Hey man you gonna roll that doobie?"
Person two: "Nah man too many fuckin people and no surface to roll on"
Person one: "Fuck that bro, just craft a boat"
Person two: "Fine dude, where would we be without boat crafting?"
by LSD-SDL February 17, 2012
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Sticking two cigarette papers together in an 'L' shape to create a longer roll. Usually used to make bigger joints.
"Hey man pass the MaryJane, Imma gonna roll an L Sheet"
by LSD-SDL February 17, 2012
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