2 definitions by LOLZDUDEZORZ

When your computer crashes/important files not found/deleted something important
B: What. Did you get Compownege?
A: Yes!!!!!!!
by LOLZDUDEZORZ October 6, 2008
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The word fucksalts is both a noun and an adjective. It is in the condition of when extreme anger of self is expressed (i.e. when your boss is pissed as shit at you). Fucksalts can be used to isult them, or to just express ones anger. It can also be used as a non plural noun/adjectivve, or as to call someone a name (i.e fucksalter) Finally, any insulting word (i.e.face) can be combined with fucksalt, as in fucksaltface
1: Boss: Hey Steve... the bussiness finacials are due at the meeting, which is in 5 minutes.
Steve: (after she leaves) FUCKSALTS
2: Person A: DudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDudeDude!
Person b: Shut up you damn fucksalter
by LOLZDUDEZORZ May 13, 2009
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