1 definition by LMT922

An insanely silly, customary greeting used in lieu of the oh-so-boring, typical “hello.” This ridonkulous introductory welcome, frequently used in conversational exchange between good friends, requires an immediate, retarded echo reply, along with a two-second extension of the final "heyyy," in order to achieve full comedic effect.

This catchy yet goofy phrase can also be used in unique shit show-like circumstances to express excitement, surprise, shock, or complete and utter disbelief. The original definition can be credited to Keasha, a neuronally challenged, caution tape wearing, hilariously funny contestant on the reality filth television show, “A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila.”
Tanya sees Stefanie walking by Bux and customarily greets her with an enthusiastic “hey girl heyyy!” Stefanie quickly responds with a friendly retarded echo, “hey girl heyyy!”

“Holla! I just got tenure, let the party begin… Hey girl heyyy!” or “OMG, there’s a roach underneath the kitchen table! Hey girl heyyy!”

Keasha, sporting her ridonk caution tape dress during Episode 1 proclaims: “Caution…hehe…hey girl heyyy”
by LMT922 November 15, 2009
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