1 definition by LJCoffee

A term used to describe the late Generation y and current Gen Z kids that live in an over-simplified on-demand world of instant material, emotional and general gratification.

The oversimplification of tasks is especially relevent to what is normally something very complicated.

iTards do not have the ability to think for themselves, exhibit no problem solving skills and are unable to do anything unless it involves pressing a single large glassy button.

Google is far too complicated for the average iTard, they would rather just ask someone to find something for them.
Two computer musicians, one of them is an iTard.

The normal person uses whatever software necessary to compose a song, they may spend hours or days going over the minutia to get it just right.

an iTard is unable to compose music unless they get a cracked copy of "SuperInstantMusicMaster" from their iTard friends. This, ideally, would be a software consisting of a single button that when pressed would automatically compose and save a top-10 triple platinum song for them.
by LJCoffee April 18, 2006
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