14 definitions by LEM - Chino

The art of sneaky around doing something dodgy.

Adapted from splinter cell popular video game
"I was total splinter cell styles as i crept out last night"
by LEM - Chino January 24, 2005
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Nickname for making a soda bomb. A soda bulb + sparkelers etc.
"Lets go blow up someones letterbox with a soadie"
by LEM - Chino January 17, 2005
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Rip off of 'front side bus'.

Australian taking the piss out of wannabe wogs. abbreviation for
"fully sik bro"
"fullyy siickk broooo'

"that cunts car is fsb"

by LEM - Chino January 16, 2005
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Another name for a bong. Device used for smoking marijuana.
Adapting from the slang billy also used for bong.
"Dude remember to bring your billski"

"pass me the billski so i can pack a cone"
by LEM - Chino January 16, 2005
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Nickname/codename for going to smoke bongs
"You wanna have a chiz?"
by LEM - Chino January 17, 2005
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Melbourne Techno Massive – Today, tomorrow and the future…
by LEM - Chino January 17, 2005
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