4 definitions by L Sizzle

The act of passing shit from one mouth to the other, very similar to snowballing.
Damn, those chicks in that 2girls1cup were mudslinging like it was their job.
by L Sizzle January 23, 2008
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When you are so turnt, beyond faded- to the point you are "smacked by the gods." Mostly referring to mary jane, but can be used when drinking as well.
after a long night of smoking and drinking:
"Man, I'm so faded, I am smacked by the Gods."
by L Sizzle July 13, 2015
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When getting a woman from behind and preparing for a donkey punch, the man instead donkey punches several times until the woman is knocked out. At this point the man masturbates and cums into the unconcious woman's ear.
Shit got crazy last night with Stacy, I gave her the thrilla from manilla.
by L Sizzle January 23, 2008
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When either a man or a woman squats over the ass of another and shits on said ass and then proceeds to push the fresh shit into the others ass. After completing this task, the receiver then gets up and shits their feces and the feces of the shitter into the shitter's mouth.
Me and Nik were out in the back and he gave me the worst gravy train.
by L Sizzle January 23, 2008
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