1140 definitions by Kung-fu Jesus

a) rushing blood

b) Some politician called Al Gore

c) What heavy African beasts do to you. Basically, a charge followed by a toss.
It doesen't get any more serious than a Rhino about to gore yo ass!
by Kung-fu Jesus April 29, 2004
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Rules for boxing est.1865 Modern boxing rules combine these with Jack Broughton's Boxing Rules (1743)
Marquis of Queensberry Boxing Rules Governing Contests for Endurance (1865)

1) To be a fair stand-up boxing match in a 24-foot ring, or as near that size as practicable.

2) No wrestling or hugging allowed.

3) The rounds to be of three minutes' duration, and one minute's time between rounds.

4) If either man falls through weakness or otherwise, he must get up unassisted, 10 seconds to be allowed him to do so, the other man meanwhile to return to his corner, and when the fallen man is on his legs the round is to be resumed and continued until the three minutes have expired. If one man fails to come to the scratch in the 10 seconds allowed, it shall be in the power of the referee to give his award in favour of the other man.

5) A man hanging on the ropes in a helpless state, with his toes off the ground, shall be considered down.

6) No seconds or any other person to be allowed in the ring during the rounds.

7) Should the contest be stopped by any unavoidable interference, the referee to name the time and place as soon as possible for finishing the contest; so that the match must be won and lost, unless the backers of both men agree to draw the stakes.

8) The gloves to be fair-sized boxing gloves of the best quality and new.

9) Should a glove burst, or come off, it must be replaced to the referee's satisfaction.

10) A man on one knee is considered down and if struck is entitled to the stakes.

11) No shoes or boots with springs allowed.

12) The contest in all other respects to be governed by revised rules of the London Prize Ring.
by Kung-fu Jesus June 14, 2004
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Return-Retort-Phrase letting the the party who has just spoken know that thier statemnt is not belived.
13YearOldKidWhoDefinedGod: You see, the bible is full of contradictions, and...

Pope John-Paul II: Listen kiddie, when I want my pricked yanked I'll do it myself, mmmmk? K thanks.
by Kung-fu Jesus May 4, 2004
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(n.) A mild-mannered obese man. Most applicable to the folicley challenged (means bald)
by Kung-fu Jesus May 12, 2004
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Ben Affleck-The buzz is indicating this is gonna be big

Jason Mewes- what buzz?

Ben Affleck- the internet buzz

Jason Mewes- what the fuck is the internet?

See the internet
by Kung-fu Jesus April 16, 2004
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(v.) to take the virginity of a male under 13. Only applied to females.
She is being a meat thief again.
by Kung-fu Jesus May 3, 2004
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