3 definitions by Kolapangkor

The morning star. The God of Fire. Arun is the morning light, greatest gift given to man. He walks the earth with eternal light and put a smile on every face that cross his path. Arun is the spirit that we all seek during a vision quest. He is the epitome of love and happiness. He is an extraordinary spiritual healer and doctor of modern medicine. Arun is the supreme intelligent being to ever walk on this earth. He is the true definition of that light at the end of the tunnel. He shines brighter than any star in the sky during the morning and evening time. He shines his light all over the world. Arun is a mother's dream come true.
When Arun is near we are never vitamin k deficient because he is all the light that we need.
by Kolapangkor February 6, 2010
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The Little Blue Deer (Mazatlazul) is the breath of life sent down from heaven. Mazatlazul is truly a mother's greatest gift from life. He is the messenger and protector of the soul. Mazatlazul is a powerful medicinal plant with courageous heart. He is an indigenous healer of Cambodian and Mexica heritage. He walks the path of the compassionate and peaceful warrior. Mazatlazul is an eternal child full of happiness, hopeful love, ancient wisdom, and he is the future leader that will unite the world and create peace on earth. He is a mother's dream come true.
Mazatlazul can heal all wounds with just a smile.
by Kolapangkor February 6, 2010
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Ray of light; the eternal child, the goddess of beauty, the mother of creation, Queen of Cambodia, the fortunate one, the first female president and liberator of Modern day Cambodia. She walks in anger, beauty, courage, grace, hell, humility, love, pain, and truth. She is the cosmic woman. She is the true meaning of life. Reasmeiy is the protector of Cambodia.
To know Reasmeiy is to experience life in all its form.
by Kolapangkor February 6, 2010
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