13 definitions by Koknballz

The loose skin leftover when a tubby person has weight loss surgery.
Yo pal you may want to consider body scrotum surgery so you don’t trip over all that excess skin.
by Koknballz January 9, 2019
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This occurs when someone doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom.
Yo pal, maybe you shouldn't be man handling the nachos with your nasty piss fingers.
by Koknballz May 21, 2017
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When you wake up and take your first shit of the day.
Does anyone know a good plumber I can call? I just clogged the toilet with an enormous rooster dump.
by Koknballz May 17, 2017
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Let’s not mistake this for a shart. This is a full on massacre in your pants. The doodie can’t be contained and not only drips out of your underwear but covers your legs.
Yo pal, what happened to Smiley last night? Oh dude he had to leave early because he had a shit your pants dirty incident
by Koknballz December 20, 2020
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This is an individual that loves to eat Pixy Stix while pooping. A Pixy Pooper also leaves their wrappers behind to mark their territory. If this individual doesn’t wash their hands upon exiting the stall they shall be referred to as a piss fingered pixy pooper.
It looks like the pixy pooper left behind some evidence this morning as I counted 9 empty wrappers in stall #2.
by Koknballz December 31, 2021
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When you take a dump that wraps around the toilet bowl.
I had to call the plumber for the third this week to discard one of Nat's chocolate snakes.
by Koknballz December 4, 2009
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