3 definitions by Knowledge college

Brooke’s can be kind of pissy sometimes, but... they have this fun outgoing energy that makes the life of any party. She doesn’t have a lot of friends, but she has a lot of best friends. Brooke’s usually have brown curly hair, hazel eyes, and they are petite.
by Knowledge college January 31, 2018
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An amazing and gourgeous girl usually tan, greenish hazel eyes, dark brown hair, who’s kind of tall, she always has your back and is probably the nicest person you’ll ever meet. ( but don’t piss her off )
She has a unique cocky personality which is the best definition of a bff
by Knowledge college January 31, 2018
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A nice and funny girl who’s not afraid to be herself, or go out of her way to make someone else happy. She puts a smile on everyone’s face, and people always want to be her friend
by Knowledge college January 31, 2018
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