1 definition by Kndllcrnyr

Kasey, the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She brings a smile to your face whenever you see her. She’s funny, smart, beautiful, and very stubborn. Kasey is super hyper and crazy, she is definitely a party animal. Don’t let her tough outside fool you, inside she is kind and caring. She is always by your side no matter what. She is so unbelievably strong and a inspiration to everyone she meets. Kasey will always be your shoulder to cry on and keeps a secret better than anyone. A Kasey is a special girl you’ll never meet again there is no one like her. If you’re her best friend consider yourself lucky. Never let a Kasey go because you will let the most amazing person alive go.
Person 1: “You see that girl over there she is perfect..”
Person 2: “she must be a kasey
by Kndllcrnyr November 8, 2019
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