2 definitions by KingCook

Lirvaneethza is the best female cook in addition to being the best mother and lover, lirvaneethza also has a wide range of talents such as; singing, dancing, and sexing. Lirvaneethza also has the sexiest legs in the known universe and rivals the sun in importance, without her all would crumble and perish into a deep dark fiery hole.
Staring directly into Lirvaneethza eyes with result in immediate lost of memory due to an overload in your brain stimuli. She is like looking into the sun for an extended period of time.
by KingCook June 21, 2011
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Lirvaneethza is the best female cook in addition to being the best mother and lover, lirvaneethza also has a wide range of talents such as; singing, dancing, and sexing. Lirvaneethza also has the sexiest legs in the known universe and rivals the sun in importance, without her all would crumble and perish into a deep dark fiery hole.
A man once passed by Lirvaneethza on the side walk and just happened to glance into her eyes. He was instantly blinded, her image permanently sketched into his memory.
by KingCook June 21, 2011
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