2 definitions by King Flippy Nippz

Loves weed more than the human race. Can transform into a pile clothes if needed. When you see a Ben Williamson you know it 10 there's no questioning because your dick gets hard or your pussy gets wet but if you have both you won't recognize him not. Just know that if your dick gets hard it's okay but you're barking up the wrong tree. He has a hard time walking down the street because his balls weigh 15 lb a piece and he always has a back brace again he has 30 pounds worth of balls in his pants. Has to get his underwear custom-made to support these gigantic balls. Each ball has a gangster face tattooed on them one of them is smoking a blunt and the other one telepathically talking shit to you. His only downfall is that he also has three dicks two of them talk one on then uses sign language with his pubic hair.
Have you seen the new magic show by that guy Ben Williamson apparently his dick and balls get into a fist fight after it was all over with he just floated away and then did a car trick in midair.
by King Flippy Nippz June 25, 2022
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Xanax, Valium, K-pin or Ativan. Any controlled substances that are a member of the anti anxiety medication family.
Whats'a chewie? Today it's a few yellow Xanax bars.

Why did you pass out while we were eating dinner last night? Apparently i had an appetizer of chewie's.

Hey bro you got any chewie's to get rid of?

I railed a few chewie's to press my Fuck it bottom
by King Flippy Nippz June 29, 2022
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