2 definitions by Kiara.k.Gray

Carole Baskin (adj.) A woman who fucks you over for your money. A gold digger/murderer.

Originating from the reality show Tiger King in which a woman allegedly feeds her husband to tigers to keep his millions.
She went Carole Baskin on his ass
by Kiara.k.Gray April 16, 2020
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I. The relief of taking a really massive shit after being so constipated it feels like it’s been 4 years...
II. A rebirth by taking back power from someone who has abused it.
III. Partisan association with the 2020 presidential election
Citizens living in Urban parts of the US on 11/07/20. “We did it! We just took a fat Trump!”

Taking a Trump
by Kiara.k.Gray November 10, 2020
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