2 definitions by KhloesAlibi

She is a little selfish but a nice friend. She loves fashion, she is super embarrassed when her mom or grandma kisses her in front of people and her favorite color is gold. She LOVES puppies and babies and small things. Kasey is obsessed with slime, slime and more slime! She hates Jojo Siwa and if you have a friend like her, you are very lucky. You will be in a lot of arguments but, still very lucky.
Did you see that girl? She’s such a Kasey!”
by KhloesAlibi October 17, 2019
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She is a cute and shy girl but sometimes a little mischievous. She loves to play on her iPad, she loves the movie Frozen and she LOVES candy. She’s scared of alarms, she loves her parents but loves her mom a little more than her dad. She doesn’t like when her dad kisses her all over her face. She is 3 or 4 years old. And she also loves ice cream.
Damn, that girl looks like a Kassidy!”
by KhloesAlibi October 18, 2019
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