3 definitions by Khloeisdabest

If you were born on February 5, you know what you want, and you get it! Don’t EVER mess with someone born on this date they are most likely the creepiest of the friend group. A person born on this date is also prettiest.
You were born on February 5? Oh I won’t mess with you!
by Khloeisdabest January 13, 2020
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A fan of Kirsten, also known as foxkirsten. Lemœns are really sweet but also really small fandom, about 300k fanpages while others have over a million.
Tiktoker: hey! Isn’t that a lemœn? They’re so nice!
by Khloeisdabest September 21, 2020
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A fan of albertsstuff, or flamingo. These fans are young sometimes so can be toxic but most of them are super sweet. A lot of people hate on them for liking flamingo though.
Hater: imagine watching flamingo
Blister: imagine spending your time on someone you hate
by Khloeisdabest September 21, 2020
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