3 definitions by Kevin Schoonmaker

A young woman who wears ugg boots, uses fake tanner, generally wears too much makeup and uses the word "Whet" frequently in conversation. Can be seen in the highest frequency at most of today's large city college campuses.
Person A: Oh my god, did you see that betch? Ooompa Loompa Ooompadity doo
Person B: I've got another Puzzle for you!

Person A: I tried to get on the green line in Boston but...
Person B: But what? Too many betches??????
Person A: ....yes
by Kevin Schoonmaker February 12, 2008
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Girl, put down those uggs and stop betching around

Kevin, I was betching so bad last weekend. Everyone was listening to girl talk and applying fake tanner.
by Kevin Schoonmaker February 12, 2008
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The question on the mind of all betches; the word often follows a line of saying "wait" over and over again to slow down the speaker.
Person A: What do you think about this author?
Betch: Whet?

Person A: I love beautiful sunsets?
Betch: Whet?

Person A: I can't believe he killed himself! Think, he's gone, dead....forever!
Betch: Whet?

(Room full of people talking, the betch is spacing out and decides to interject)
Betch: Wait, wait, wait, wait........Whet?
by Kevin Schoonmaker February 12, 2008
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