1 definition by Kevblendz

A kevyntruck is a truck that is all show, but isn’t a show truck (or been dropped) it’s a truck that can go off-road and made to look like it but won’t ever do it. It’s a truck who’s tail gate hasn’t even been opened since the dealer put it on there lot and It’s driven around just to flex on others, they’ll park in the very front of the parking lot anywhere they go just so everyone can see them. They’ll post videos of them driving it around constantly on social media.

If you have hauled at least ONE trailer or used your truck bed in any manner that appropriate for a truck then your truck isn’t a kevyntruck. A kevyntruck isn’t a truck driven by retirees, it’s a truck that’s owned by people who don’t even need trucks, they live within city limits in a suburb and don’t work construction, landscaping, mechanics or a warehouse. A Kevyntruck is owned by people who work in an office, they’re HR and administrative positions, they work embroidering shirts and hats. They’re basically people who don’t like getting there hands dirty.
Kevtruck owner: Look at me! Everyone! Look at me and my kevyntruck!

Others: Ok. what was your interest rate on the loan?

KevtruckOwner: 13%
by Kevblendz December 10, 2020
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