2 definitions by KellMaRa

When you update an app on your phone but it ends up being absolute shit! The app crashes all the time, has multiple bugs that need fixed, etc.
Me: "Lover did ya update StarWalk2 yet?"

Lover: "Yes I did!!! And if you haven't yet, DON'T! It's a god damn fuckdate! Just keeps crashing and crashing
by KellMaRa January 4, 2023
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When you update an app and it ends up being absolute shit! The "update" crashes alllllll the time and has multiple bugs.
Me: "Lover, did you update StarWalk2 yet?

Lover: "Yes, I did and if you haven't yet, don't. It's a damn fuckdate! I click on the app and it freezes on the StarWalk2 screen then crashes. It's a fuckdate if I've ever seen one!"
by KellMaRa January 4, 2023
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