19 definitions by KelTheMaster

Fucked up, messed up real bad, ya daarn darn doodly done darn did something rooty tooty damn hard footy macrooty. Something B A D.
Person 1: Oh god I darn Fukt Up
by KelTheMaster September 30, 2021
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Also known as needlem0use.

S0me lesbian wh0 g0t murdered and put int0 a S0nic game, turned int0 a psych0 bitch and killed her c0llege friends who killed her. Als0 she purple n0w, h0w amazing!
Needlemouse be killin Luther
by KelTheMaster August 3, 2022
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The epitome of funny number. You can use this while having sex and smoking weed at the same time.
by KelTheMaster October 10, 2022
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Cool, loner and very distant from anyone else. You must also have a deep voice and say swer words like a edgy badass.
Uncool dood: Woe look at the cool man
cool man: (cool)
uncool dood: wow so bosh-like
by KelTheMaster September 30, 2021
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Just a slime who wants to give you some kromer. The best thing about him is HYPERLINK BLOCKED.
by KelTheMaster September 30, 2021
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