23 definitions by KeithMyArthe

(grĭb′əl flănj)


A Gribble flange is actually the device that causes electronic and mechanical devices to fail just a few weeks after warranty expires. Accurately tunable to suit different warranty periods. Perfected by Apple to require only a new improved OS every six months or so.

Formerly seen as a money grabbing device to benefit the manufacturer, now seen by Gen Y as no more than a friendly reminder that whatever the device is, it's about time we had a new one. In a different colour.
Ted: 'Where's your new iThingy?'

Bill: 'The Gribble Flange kicked in early - it's in the shop for repairs. Hope they forget to reset the timer chip.'
by KeithMyArthe February 24, 2014
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Acronym for 'Fuck It & Sleep In'

You know, the days when you wake up feeling overwhelmed: You have a headache. You've hardly slept because the neighbors were fighting/having sex/getting raided by the cops, you awoke early to the sound of barking dogs and vomiting drunks walking home from the club, You forgot to change your alarm clock for daylight savings and it went off an hour early, at breakfast time there's no toast because the bread is mouldy, no cereal because the milk has turned, no porridge because the rat in the cupboard ate it, and no chance of a McMuffin because you've lost your wallet. You hate your boss, the new departmental manager has been on your back for weeks, the customers are giving you the irrits, you suffer from anxiety from having to deal with the people in Human Resources, and it all just gets a little bit too much....

WTF !!

I CBA to go to work.

Bugger it all, I'm having a FINSI day !
by KeithMyArthe September 2, 2011
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